Juli 17, 2013


Assalamualaikum~~ hello, long time no see~! I've been busy lazy recently, puhahaha. This is my first post in English, haha I'm trying to improve my English although it's still 'urakan'=_= lol.

Anyway, I'm not Matsanewa's student againㅠㅠ i'm M3M's student rn. Unlike last year high school's program, this year we're using Curriculum 2013 or "Kurikulum 2013". So starting from first year, we already had majoring program like Math Science, Social, Language(?), and Makbi. Right now I'm in X Math Science 5. It says that my class is olympiad class(kind of special class, maybe), so I must work harder uwaaa wish me luck;-;

My first impression of the class? At first I don't really like this class but maybe that's because I'm still unable to adapt. Plus, i'm still 'homesick'. Not homesick of my real house lol bcs I didn't live at dorm, but homesick to my ex-second home, aka 9E/Enchanted :") I miss them to the moon and back, lol kinda too much maybe. My ex-classmates who are still at da same school w/ me are Ayu, she's at Math Science class but we're not classmate. Arum, she's at Social class so it's impossible to become classmate again. Dika and Reyhan, they're at Math Science class but they're also not my classmate. Hana and Nuga are the only 9E members who are still be my classmates again, but Hana still can't make her choice whether she stays at M3M or move to SMA 1, I hope she make her decision quickly~

I miss everyone especially my bestie!! Uqi who is at IC right now, fighting~! And Risu/Ifa, she's at SMA 3. Sefi, at SMA 4. Also Indira, Udhy, Dita. Indira and Audhy is at SMA 1 while Dita is SMA 5. And much more. I even miss the boys. Ok that's a BIG LIE HAHA. Good luck guys, wish you all the best wherever you are! :")

Everything will get better right? I hope I can quickly adapt to my class and also my school. I must getting ready for more complicated lessons, tougher days, etc so wish me luck! Hope I won't be down or whatㅡand can compete with others!

Ok I think it's enough for today bcs I can't sleep late, I shud fasting today:'3 and also go to school. I'll write soon at holiday, maybe. Peace out! See ya!

Wish to see you very-soon! :")

Mei 05, 2013

I'm Still Alive!

ini ceritanya habis long hiatus ya. Postingan terakhir 12 November 2012 terus menghilang. Tenggelam dalam persiapan UN/? lol haha. Tapi masih hidup kok. Buktinya masih ngeposting ini HAHAHA. I'm still alive! *still alive-bigbang plays*
Udah UN! YEY! Udah H+13 UN, dan kerjaan sekarang? Hafalan sama murajaah surat-_- hafalan se bisa tapi murajaahnya itu........hngg.
betewe aku udah dapet sekolah hehe. Man 3 Malang. Awalnya pengen masuk daerah tugu, mungkin SMA 3, tapi jalur mandiri kan udah ga ada, aku ga terlalu optimis bisa masuk sana lewat jalur online...terus habis mikir panjang lebar sampe ga bisa tidur/? akhirnya coba daftar M3M aja :'D terus coba daftar lewat jalur terpadu dan Alhamdulillah keterima. Akhirnya mantap di sana. Bismillahirrohmanirrohim.
Mungkin tinggal 2-3 bulan lagi di MTsN. Udah ada tanda-tanda mau leave. Panitia bakti kelulusan udah dibentuk, album kenangan juga. Foto juga udah. 9E/enc udah foto di ABM kekeke *foto menyusul* . Will miss Matsanewa :')
Seeyou soon~~~